The meeting of the National Coordinators for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings

The meeting of the National Coordinators for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, entitled “Strengthening the Fight Against Trafficking in Human Beings in Crisis Situations in the Western Balkans”, organized by IOM (International Organization for Migration) was held on October 6, 2017 at the Avala Hotel in Budva, Montenegro. Moderator of the meeting, Philip Ishola (IOM), after the welcome to the participants,  in the introductory words, outlined the objectives of this meeting, presenting the current national situation on CT (legal framework, policy, challenges) and expectations from project participants (tour de table) . At the meeting, the research was contextualized, where the project parameters, methodology, limitations encountered in these surveys (early findings) were presented, and early findings were presented in detail, where human impact, factors related to the three main domains: risks – trends – vulnerabilities, as well as factors within these three domains, were analysed.

The working group of the anti-trafficking coordinator working group then discussed the identified positive approaches:

  • Identification,
  • Prevention,
  • Intervention,
  • Mapping,
  • Data analysis, and
  • A framework for partnership and cooperation,

Where the participants asked questions, offered answers, and collectively collected feedback on this topic.

After a lunch break, a panel discussion of the Anti-Trafficking Coordinators was held, where the participants processed opportunities and limitations in the response to:

  • Risks – Trends – Vulnerability,
  • Early detection methods,
  • Cooperation, and
  • Collecting data, sharing and analysing them.

Following the panel discussion and the analysis of the above topics, the following steps were noted, and the meeting officially ended.

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